Zoology Science Fair Projects

Among the topics of interest for students who wish to create zoology science fair projects those that involve ants are the ones most students will choose. A zoology science fair project will demonstrate the knowledge that students have learned regarding some particular type of animal. Ants hold a great fascination for children and adults alike. These amazing little creatures are communal and depend on each other for survival. Very seldom do we see a single ant. This type of living system makes ants a favorite topic for zoology science fair projects. Students can choose any number of subjects related to ants or any other animal to study for their zoology science fair projects.

One of the most interesting subjects that students study using ant populations is in the area of food choice. While most people are familiar with ants as uninvited guests at picnics, most people know very little about these tiny creatures. A zoology science fair project will use different foods to see which flavors, if any, the ants prefer. Students will conduct experiments and collect the data from these experiments in order to make a presentation for the zoology science fair projects. This data will then be used to compare different types of foods. It could then be used in supplemental studies to compare the flavor choices of different types of ants. These little creatures are more than willing to participate in these types of experiments because all that is required of them is that they eat!

Zoology science fair projects can also be performed on microorganisms such as bacteria. The zoology science fair projects can also be based on the osmosis and diffusion that is present in living cells. These types of zoology science fair projects are particularly suited to computer-generated presentations. Since these organisms and processes are too small for the human eye to see, students often have a difficult time grasping the concepts. Zoology science fair projects are a great way to demonstrate these types of scientific phenomenon. The presentations bring to life all the tiny components involved in the life experiences of living creatures. These and many other topics, such as the study of environmental changes for marine life, the effects of chemicals on animals, and how different conditions affect growth rates, can be explored with zoology science fair projects.

Significance Of Plant Tissue Culture Medium In Biological Science

Plant tissue culture is a term used to refer the process of developing plant cells, tissues, microorganism, seeds and other part of plants in a sterile atmosphere on a nourishing medium. Culture medium used for in vitro agrology of part of plant are composed of various basic components. These components are further divided into three main categories. These are macroelements(or macronutrients), Iron Source and microelements (or micronutrients).

Macroelements: Macroelements are required when there is a need of plant growth and development in large amount. Some essential substance needed for this are Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium and sulfur. These substance comprise of about 0.1% of the total weight of dry plants.

Microelements: Microelements are needed in small amounts for plant growth. The basic and essential substances need for this are boron,manganese, cobalt,iodine, copper, molybdenum, zinc and iron. Other substance such as aluminum and nickel are also used in some formation.

Iron source: This element is normally assembled in the culture medium as iron sulphate. EDTA is a substance commonly used with the combination of iron sulphate. It is used to slow down and constant release of iron into the medium.

Benefits of using plant tissue culture media process over traditional plant propagation methods are mentioned below.

-Fast process compared to natural plant propagation method.
-Used to eliminate and inhibit plant infections and alter them into good,fresh and clear breads.
-For development multiple plants specially when there is a shortage and absence of essential seeds.
-For the growth of of accurate copy of plants that develop superior quality fruits and flowers in bulk.
-The development of plant breads that have very less chances of redevelopment and germinating using special seeds.
-Provide opportunity to propagate rare bread of plants.

Biology science for plant regrowth and propagation, permit scientist to develop fresh,new and innovative method to develop rare and significant plants. Lots of people threatened plants breeds from forest and sell them without legitimate permission to earn high profits. These flora bread are generally very expensive and its regrowth is very important and helpful for better living and society. Culture media is the ideal alternative to propagate and develop rare and special plants breed.

Titan Media is one of the ISO 9001:2008 and CGMP Certified Company that supply wide range of superior quality micro-organism cells in India and many other part of the world. More than fifteen hundred good quality dehydrated culture media is developed by this company which include array of vegetable Culture Media.

The Ideal School Science Lab

School science laboratories seem to always be designed by accountants. They are generally poorly laid out and ill-equipped to serve their purpose.I have taught in many of these disasters and have designed other labs that have been a pleasure to teach in.

It would be nice if price was not a constraining factor in all school building design, but it is.The best way to approach the design of your lab is from the stand-point of what you need, then pare it down if the total cost is over-budget.

A school laboratory is usually larger than the average classroom. This is because it may have 35 students moving around it, flames from Bunsen burners, sinks, electrical equipment and glassware all at the same time, as well as writing materials, computers and boards. The whole setup sounds impossible.

Ideally you need to separate student writing areas from student experimental areas. The easiest way to do this is to have sinks, electrical outlets and workbenches around the three sides of the room. Cupboards for glassware and electrical equipment will slot underneath these workbenches. There needs to be a clear walkway all around the room in front of these workbenches, so that students can move about safely. The fouth side of the room will be where the board and teacher’s bench are.

You will need fume hoods, or fume cupboards, with extraction facilities to the outside. School fume hoods are not used very often, because the chemicals used in school labs are not aprticularly noxious. Fume hoods are best situated on the wall with the board and the teacher’s area. Using a fume hood with a class is largely impractical because of the logistics issues involved with 35 students wanting to use one or two small spaces at the same time. These areas will be used infrequently and only briefly.

You will also need desks or benches for students to sit at to write at and for non-practical lessons. These workbenches will are best situated about five feet away from the perimeter work benches. The exact arrangement of these workspaces will depend on the dimensions of your laboratory.

A fan arrangement works well, with the desks end on to where the taecher stands. Other possibilities include joined groups of desks and desks tee-ed off the teacher’s desk. Groups of desks make for more chatter amongst your students.

If you are installing an LCD projector, then consider mounting it from the ceiling where it projects to the board at the front.

That gives you your perfect school laboratory. You will almost certainly be overbudget at this point. How can you reduce the cost?

* Cut the number of sinks – A large cost saving, but disastrous in terms of increasing student movement during experimental work. Consider long sinks at the back of the worktop though.
* Cut the number of electrical outlets – Small savings
* Cut the number of cupboards – Large savings possible, but increases student movement around the laboratory, and where do you put all the equipment?
* Have just one fume-hood – Large savings, and you will rarely use it anyway.

Third Grade Science Lesson Plans

In the third grade, science and social studies go hand-in-hand in raising students environmental and social awareness. Lessons about the environment, health and animals are surefire hits with kids, and Studies Weekly takes full advantage of this. Third graders will enjoy the way the write-ups tap into their curiosity, and with curiosity comes interest, and an interest in the subject matter paves the way for straight As.

The Environment

As the caretakers of nature, human beings are tasked to safeguard the environment from peril. But of course, before anyone can take any protective measure, one must know what comprises nature. And students will get more than enough information just by reading through our magazines. Topics like forests, the atmosphere, mountains and other terrain are discussed thoroughly. Beyond high test scores, third graders will have an increased appreciation for nature, and will perhaps lead them to nurture their surroundings.

Plants and Planting Seedlings

Plants are constituents of a very important natural cycle called photosynthesis. During this period, oxygen is produced, in which nearly every living thing on the planet benefits from. Given the importance of plants, third graders are treated to very informative discussions on trees and shrubs, and how they affect life on the planet.

To further the learning from the discussion, kids are asked to plant a tree or any seedling. They are to take care of the plant, giving it water and placing it in an area wherein it receives ample sunlight.


Also taken up in the previous school year, the concept of magnetism makes a roaring comeback in K-3 science. Apart from the detailed explanations provided by Studies Weekly, students will perform simple experiments on how metals are attracted to magnets and why magnets repel one another. This topic may be a bit more complex than others, but our magazines are designed to break down the hardest parts.


The animal kingdom is a diverse realm filled with interesting creatures. Third-graders will be immersed in the general classifications of animals, such as mammals, birds, reptiles and many more. Vertebrates and invertebrates are also classified and well-explained. Even with the sheer amount of information that this topic carries, a lot of kids ace lessons animals, given their interest on the subject. Studies Weekly increases the likelihood of getting good grades even further.


If theres anything nearly as interesting as animals, its probably outer space. A lot of kids dream to be astronauts, and this topic gives them a sneak peek on their desired profession. Discussions on the solar system, stars, comets and other stellar bodies take center stage, as most third graders relish every bit of information about them.

Solar Energy

Sunlight is an important component for life on earth. It is also a primary source of heat for plants, animals and some technological creations. They will learn why the temperatures of some materials and colors are higher than others, once exposed to a lot of sunlight, or heat for that matter. Also, the effects of solar energy to the environment and human life will be taken up.

The Science Of Skin Rejuvenation

Skin rejuvenation can be confusing to even the most informed patients, and understanding how directed and combination therapies act to deliver results, is crucial. In general, the degree of effect is directly related to the depth of penetration in the skin. Skin can be divided into three layers, the epidermis, constituting the outer layer, and the dermis, the inner two layers. Therapies are classified as superficial, medium, or deep based on their depth of penetration. The three most common treatment modalities used for skin rejuvenation are chemical peels, mechanical dermabrasion, and lasers. All three modalities can be used for superficial, medium, or deep rejuvenation.

Medical grade skin care products act to hydrate skin, increase exfoliation, build collagen, and treat skin discolorations and blemishes. Topical vitamin therapy is a common, minimally invasive therapy, of which, the most relevant to skin rejuvenation is tretinoin, a vitamin A derivative. It acts to rejuvenate, by thickening the epidermis and decreasing photoaging, including: dyschromias and brown spots, in the short term and increasing collagen production with a decrease in fine wrinkles with longer courses. Hydroquinone and Kojic acid are topical bleaching agents that inhibit melanin production: lightening age spots, imporoving melasma, as well as other causes of hyperpigmented blemishes.

Superficial rejuvenation primarily includes glycolic acid and jessner chemical peels and acts on the epidermis, decreasing discolorations and blemishes while allowing the germinal layer of the epidermis to regenerate. Additionally, they also act to increase superficial collagen formation in the dermis, improving fine wrinkles. Lasers can be used to perform “micropeels,” acting on the epidermis only, with benefits similar to the other superficial rejuvenation procedures.

Medium or deep rejuvenations act to the level of the dermis and are used to treat deeper photoaging and wrinkles. By increasing the depth of penetration, the overall effect is increased due to improved recruiting of fibroblast activity and collagen deposition. Consequently, there is also an increased risk of complications with deeper rejuvenations, which can include hypopigmentation and scarring, along with prolonged healing times. Medium and deep chemical peels include jessner/TCA peels and phenol peels, respectively. Dermabrasion is an effective resurfacing technique that uses mechanical abrasion to remove skin, layer by layer. Today, it is largely used for scar resurfacing/revision and the treatment of well formed wrinkles around the mouth. The depth of treatment with conventional lasers is primarily controlled by the type of laser used, the power settings, and the number of passes performed. In general, less aggressive settings and a decreased number of passes, result in less down time, a more superficial treatment, and subsequently less impressive results. In addition to the superficial rejuvenation benefits, the deeper rejuvenation procedures improve photoaging in the dermis along with deeper, more robust collagen deposition with more significant wrinkle reduction.

Fractionated laser therapy has been introduced to deliver results comparable with traditional laser therapy, but with decreased healing time. Fractional lasers work by treating a percentage of the skin surface area, usually between 5-30%, with spaced, deep penetrating, laser microcolumns that leave intact bridges of skin between the treated areas, thereby, decreasing the risk of complications associated with conventional full skin resurfacing techniques, while maintaining the deeper benefits. Thermal energy is delivered to the deeper dermal elements to trigger collagen formation, while treating the deeper photoaging dyschromias and brown spots, and allowing for faster recovery due to the intact bridging of skin. Today, the state of the art in laser resurfacing techniques combines conventional full skin resurfacing to remove the epidermis, improving the epidermal elements, followed by fractionated therapy to treat deeper photoaging and stimulate deeper collagen formation and wrinkle reduction.

Skin rejuvenation therapy must be tailored by the patients, not the physicians goals. Aggressive therapy can lengthen healing times and increase the risk of complications, but also have the best results. Maintenance therapy with medical grade skin care products and superficial rejuvenation agents, with interval medium to deep rejuvenation therapy is ideal for optimal outcomes. Skin resurfacing/rejuvenation should be viewed as complimentary, not a substitute for face lift surgery. The choice of resurfacing agents used to achieve the patients goal is collaborative and based on the comfort of the patient with the rejuvenation agent and the experience of the physician.